Title: Applied Anarchy: Responding to Climate Change
Location: AKA Autonomous Social Centre
Link out: Click here
Description: Join us at AKA on Monday June 17th for a discussion of radical responses to climate change, including Indigenous resistance and ideas about what we can do here in Kingston to prevent, mitigate, or prepare for climate disaster.
It is now widely accepted that Earth is on track for a global average temperature increase of >1.5°C, and that such an increase in thermal energy will accelerate the melting of glaciers and sea ice and send us into a feedback loop of global warming, sea-level rise, and ecological collapse.
The Canadian state sits on 167.7 billion barrels of crude oil, most of which must stay in the ground to prevent this catastrophic temperature rise. Unfortunately, the government seems intent on exploiting these reserves, while telling the rest of us to reduce our environmental impact by driving less, going vegan, or buying local. But what does it mean to attack the root of the climate crisis—namely the capitalist-colonial system itself?
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2019-06-17
End Time: 21:00